Advanced Serial Port Monitor


User Interface

The user interface of SimpleTerm is divided into six (SimpleTerm SE) or eight (SimpleTerm Gold Editions) main sections.

Features and Usage

SimpleTerm displays all incoming serial port data and all outgoing serial port data sent via the keyboard or sent using the “String Entry Pane”.

Display Modes, Data Formatting and Colour Code

The serial port data is displayed in the communication window in various colour coded display mode options. The data viewing modes include “ASCII/Text”, “Mixed (ASCII, hexadecimal)” and “Hexadecimal” modes.

ASCII/Text Mode

Mixed (ASCII/Hexadecimal Mode)

Hexadecimal Mode

Com Port Initialisation and Connection

All common line settings are configurable via the “Quick Configuration Panel”.

Data transmission from file / Capture to file

Send file...

Send all data within a file through the serial port. Progress bar shown for transfer progress plus status bar for additional information – including the file size and percentage of transfer completed.

Special Send file...

This function is a more flexible version of the "Send file..." option above – Option of sending multiple times and with an accurate inter-character delay.

Capture to File...

SimpleTerm can capture/save outgoing & incoming serial data into a file.

Control Signal Panel

This panel contains “Virtual LEDs” to display the state of the RS232 control lines when connected/online.

String Entry Pane

This is used to quickly type in a sequence of data for transmitting via the COM port.

Data Exporting and Printing

Copy to Clipboard

Copy colour coded serial data to the clipboard, then paste into other applications in RTF (Rich Text Format).

Saving Screen Contents (only available in SimpleTerm GE)

Save the contents of the communication window as a RTF file.

Colour Printing

The on-screen data can be printed off in colour.


You may search for specific words or characters displayed in the communication window.

Settings Window

This window is split into three tab separated sections for configuring the applications behaviour and display options.

Display Settings

Advanced Settings

Import and Export SimpleTerm Profiles

For rapid configuration when working with different devices or applications which require different configuration settings, SimpleTerm supports the saving of all configuration information in named text files known as Profiles.

Status Bar and Byte Selection Information

The status bar provides additional user feedback and information about the communication status, errors, input / output byte count and screen selection.

Advanced Status Bar and Byte Selection Information

Notation Converter

An easy to use 32-bit notation converter is provided for rapid conversion between binary, decimal and hexadecimal.


An ASCII Table is provided for reference. ASCII characters 00-7F hexadecimal are displayed in various notations.

User Notes

A feature rich single page notepad is provided for storing handy notes or data (during a debugging session for example).

Macro List

To aid in efficient and productive testing/debugging, a Macro List Pane is included. “Macros” are a convenient way to store commonly used data or actions.

Visual Scripting

There is also a "Visual Scripting" feature to run/execute macros in sequence or repeatedly in a loop. This can be of great help for debugging or testing the robustness of RS232 based embedded systems without resorting to any programming. It is equally powerful for testing a variety of equipment by executing a sequence of macros/tasks written to exercise that equipment.

Awards and Certificates
